Just be true to yourself and the world will seem a much better place to live in. :)
Some may think they have above average intelligence and say they have an improved thought process.
They loudly proclaim they are considerate but smart.
Yet they act like totally inconsiderate imbeciles on a day-to-day basis?
They ask what the society/nation has done for them?
Have they asked themselves what they have done for their society/nation?
They say they are accepting, forgiving and able to let go of wrongs done to them.
Yet they are cynical and rude to most- almost out of choice at times?
They say money is not important but leave no opportunity to fleece someone gullible/ignorant.
If not for their love of money, given an opportunity, how do they fleece the very people they may term as "friends"?
They will act/walk/talk/dress/behave differently and maybe "loud" coz they say that's their style.
They want to do everything that's perceived as "cool" and want to not do something just cause it's fashionable and cool to be different.
Just another cold and indifferent attention craver- a lost soul??
They grab at every convenience some random acquaintance- again maybe termed a "friend"- may have to offer.
Or maybe not even offered by this "friend" of theirs but just taken for granted and no qualms about milking any and every opportunity.
They talk of not having a love for money/power/fame.
Yet they exhibit characteristics/behaviour suggesting the exact opposite?
The say they know their friends well while they goof up on even the basic info of their lives.
And a couple of meets/chats or more let them see that person in perspective??
They critcise others for certains actions/inactions while they themselves fail to live up to their own rants when the occasion arises.
Yet they accuse others of the very things they are incapable of?
They ask why people won't let them be and accept them for the way they are and what they want to do.
Yet they despise everyone else who doesn't seem to be tom-tomming their thoughts/beliefs/ways?
They prefer hiding their weaknesses and avoid certain people who risk exposing them- rather than accept criticism, introspect and make amends if need be for a better self.
And they say some people will never understand them and that is the reason to avoid them?
They say some people understand them well, especially those who don't oppose them or don't have a differing viewpoint.
And they say they are mature when they still need to learn that someone with an opposing idea/view or critical of you in a debate maybe a greater friend than others have been all their lives?
(Coz that semmingly hostile person gave that differing insight into your ownself that may help you be a much better person.)
They will accompany friends to peace marches and light candles but fail to vote.
Reason- "they chose not to vote and could have if they wanted to".
Mr.Literate pseudo-socialist/leftist/secularist/... whatever, please enlighten yourselves about Section 49-0 and exercise it if so.
And they ask what society/nation has done for them when they couldn't execute the basic civic duty of every citizen, if not a a moral responsibility for them?
They say they don't have a problem with anything and are at peace with their lives.
Yet they rant on personal issues they pass off as random thoughts they had at some point in their lives?
Is it that they are lying to themselves and ignoring issues because they are too weak-willed to execute the very actions they loudly proclaim to be capable of, "if they want to"?
Ain't that "if they want to" the whole fuck up in their lives?
Why do these pseudo-righteous people end up being self-contradictory and hypocritical over and over again?
Are they trying to beat the frustration that's getting the better of them, by self-deception?
Don't they realise they are stuck in a loop of deceit- deceit to self?
Only if one accepts a mistake/shortcoming, will they be able to analyse and rectify it.
So should there be any shame in admittance if the final outcome is self-improvement?
What goes around, comes around my friends- and in these times, with a huge interest.
So do unto others as you deem fit for self.
Learn to forgive and forget.
That in my humble opinion is the true mantra for peace of mind and soul.
I genuinely pray for everyone's happiness, well-being and peace to their minds and souls.
I hope they find the true meaning of life and in this lifetime itself. :)
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