Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The GREATEST pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do

My friend took delivery of his new TATA Safari on 24-09-2006!!
(The guy in white shirt is one of my Bestest Buddies- with his younger bro and his shiny, new TRUCK)

All the boys came to pick me up and we went out late night drive around town!! Yeehaw!!

I somehow fit into that Truck with 2 hard pillows on the seat for support!!

I am not allowed to sit in any and most vehicles since my last surgery in Dec2005, that involved a reconsruction of the left hip socket followed by a total hip replacement of the left hip joint and this was my first experiment.
Though we always knew this was the best option and hence a bit safe!!

Still thinking over a permanent solution to my travel woes and am grounded till then!!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Fireball XL5 Title Track- Read my Mind !!

"I wish I was a space man,
The fastest guy alive.
I'd fly you round the universe,
In Fireball XL-5.
Way out in space together,
Compass of the sky.
My heart would be a Fireball... A Fireball...
Everytime I gazed into your starry eyes.

We'd take the path to Jupiter,
And maybe very soon.
We'd cruise along the Milky Way,
And land upon the moon.
To a wonderland of stardust,
We'd zoom our way to Mars.
My heart would be a Fireball... A Fireball...
Coz you would be my Venus of the stars."

"But though i'm not a spaceman,famous and renowned.
I'm just a guy thats down-to-earth,
with both feet on the ground.
It's all imagination.
I'll never reach the stars.
My heart is still a Fireball...A Fireball...
Everytime i gaze into your starry eyes.

Fireball... Fireball...
Everytime i gaze into your starry eyes.

Fireball... Fireball...
Everytime i gaze...(fades away)"