Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Being human(e)!!!

109% Original. yes- i am amazed too.

Statutory Warning:
Poets of the world just died reading this- but you please don't.
"I like the way i am- ugly but lively,
leading an unplanned existence.
People today are satisfied rarely,
Constantly searching their hyperactive lives for meaning and substance.

Always playing the joker,
I try to make everyone happy.
Life is one big game of poker,
And sometimes it gets just too sappy.

When i wake up from my slumber,
I don't know if it will be dark or bright.
I wish i was a lot more dumber,
Coz the inhumanity i see these days has left me cold with fright.

I might end up seeming obnoxious
But i am just trying to be funny.
I am genuinely unpretentious
And dream of days when i make love like a bunny."
Quote for now-"Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love."- Albert Einstein.